Thursday means 5k!
Okay, on to my first challenge post!
(As you read this, please don't forget to send Becca fast running thoughts!)
Today's challenge is to share my 5 favorite things that begin with the letter K (in no specific order):
1) Knowledge.
I love to learn more than anything. I can read all day every day, soaking up random tidbits of information. I would love it if someone would pay me to be a professional student!
2) Kids
More specifically, my nieces and nephews. I have 3 beautiful nieces and 3 very handsome nephews. These kiddos know how to make any day a great day.
3) Kissing
You had to see that one coming! Not just romantic kisses with Jacop, but I love kissing my kiddos' adorable little cheeks and getting forehead kisses from my grandma.
4) Knits
Now, don't get me wrong, I am not crafty enough to knit myself. I LOVE wearing my mom's homemade knitting projects though! Scarves, hats, gloves..... if it's knitted I'll wear it.
5) Kindness
Let's be honest. Nothing makes my insides get all warm and fuzzy like a little bit of genuine kindness in the world. Even better, a random act of kindness just to be kind, not to get ahead in life.
There you have it! 5 favorite K's. Check back in tomorrow to see ten vacations spots that start with K!
(p.s. sorry for the weird formatting issues. Blogger on the iPad doesn't seem to have the same settings as Blogger on an actual computer!)
This is adorable! Thanks so much for your support!