Monday, January 11, 2010

another time, another place....

I've been thinking about the past a lot lately.
      Actually, I've been thinking about people in the past.
We slowly evolve away from people we thought we loved. Exes, old friends, distant relatives become nothing more than memories, faded smiles in old photographs. The memories fade slowly, replaced and complicated by new experiences.
      My main thought is can we ever go back? Can we rekindle a relationship? There must be reasons why the relationship ended in the first place, but is it possible for us to move beyond those reasons and correct our wrongs? 
     Ex-boyfriends. Every one of them has a reason why the "ex" is used. You were in different places in life. One was still attached to a previous relationship. You're both not ready for commitment. One cheats. There are thousands of excuses that people hide their breakup behind, when in reality there's only one reason: It just plain doesn't work. You two don't "mesh". 
     Friends. We all lose friends, whether through gradual drifting or a harsh falling-out that results in never speaking again. In some cases, one friend falls into the "out of sight, out of mind" category, where their entire existence is no longer a factor in the other's life. We float in and out of other's lives. What makes a friendship be a lasting one?

  I know I may not hold on to all of the relationships in my life, but I'm going to fight for the ones who are definitely worth it. If we don't have personal relationships, what can our quality of life be?

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