Does anybody remember what that is any more??
Remember the good ol' days when people had respect for themselves, for others, and for life in general?
What happened?
Our society is not slowly sliding into this decline. We're hurtling, head-first, into a nasty lifeless pit.
When did it become ok to disrespect others?
When did it become ok to disrespect yourself?
Looking around, I see younger and younger children losing the good ideals. My sisters and I watched a horrific portion of 20/20 where a 7-year-old boy was being raised to say "God Hates America!" and picket military funerals. The church that the boy's family belongs to raises children to believe that God hates everyone. They yell horrid remarks based on religion, sexual orientation, etc. There is zero respect for anyone outside of the church, and it was horrific to watch. The picketting of the military funerals was horrendous. The men and women who gave their lives to support our freedom should be allowed a dignified burial, mourned as heroes. Attacking the families and saying that God likes dead soldiers is the worst kind of disrespect I have ever seen. It made me sick to my stomach.
Following 20/20, we went to a local a capella show. I may be a freshman in college but I still have no idea why women feel the need to have zero respect for themselves and their bodies. I mean, is cancer and STD's really worth fitting in? I asked my sister several times where all the pants had gone. Seriously, ladies, can we cover our bodies in public? I'm not asking you to where the full body coverings of the Middle East, but can you at least cover the vajayjay? Tops that stop approximately two centimeters from your "downstairs" preferably should have some sort of bottoms underneath. Please maintain some tiny form of decency and dignity, ok? We're supposed to be role models for the young girls who look up to us. I don't want my niece to grow up thinking she has to bare every inch of skin to be gorgeous, or that she has to get knock-out, falling down drunk to fit in. It's disturbing and disgusting. The amount of inebriated women at the show was awful. One girl couldn't even walk. She staggered side to side, finally leaning on the back of a truck to support herself so she could make a phone call. What is the point in getting so entirely drunk that you can't remember what happens and you wake up hating yourself the next day?
Here's my big issue. When did it become acceptible to disrespect the opinions and ideals of others, especially those in authority?? Just because you don't agree with a professor's idea of how to teach a class doesn't mean you have the right to attack their way of teaching and attempting to get us to learn. You also don't have the right to jump down other's throats for simply expressing a different opinion than yours. Listen to what others have to say. Hear their proof and arguments, and consider what they are saying before you completely shoot them down. Nobody should be as cruel and evil as to belittle someone for standing up and saying something. Taking a stand and being unnecessarily rude are two very, very different things. At least respectfully disagree; say you see the other point of view, but you personally believe that x is y, and provide your reasons. You hate being interrupted, so why interrupt others?
The lack of respect around this world is getting to me. So you don't like the President's stand on an issue. Instead of uselessly arguing or picketting, write a letter outlining your concern. Provide strong arguments, but don't just heedlessly hack away at someone else's defense. If someone makes a point, and another person simply says the first person is wrong and does not support the claim while repectfully disagreeing, I will support the first person's claim every day of the week.
It's ok to agree to disagree. It's ok to dress to show off your body in a decent way. It's ok to disagree with a professor's tactics to an extent.
Just follow in Ms. Franklin's footsteps.
Find out what it means to me.
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