Okay, I'm copping out here....
I have seen this post floating around and figured, well, might as well do something for the readers while I'm stuck in this writing rut!
So, since there's a few new followers around here, I figured this is a great way to introduce myself.
The ABCs of Heidi:
Age - 21
Bed size - Full - my apartment is way too small for anything comfortable ;)
Chore you hate - Dishes! Give me any other chore, even cleaning the cat box, please!
Dogs - Not at the moment. Well, my parents have 3 - Callie & Hobbes at my dad's, Milo (aka Stinks) at my mom's.
Essential start to your day - Brushing my teeth. I feel awful until I can kill that dragon breath
Favorite color - Red. The brighter the better.
Gold or silver - Silver. It just works better for me
Height - 5'10"
Instruments you play - Does a glass bottle flute count?? Haha I am tone deaf. Tried to play flute and saxophone, but that didn't last long.
Job title - Imaging Office Specialist... for 3 more weeks! Then I am switching to a full time Medical Office Specialist - more hours, and my weekends back!
Kids - Someday. Still figuring out taking care of just me!
Live - Oregon! My whole life
Married - Not yet ;) Someday, hopefully.
Nicknames - Mostly people just call me by my last name.
Overnight hospital stays - none. Well, I spent the night in my grandma's hotel room, but no overnight scares for this girl.
Pet peeve - hearing people eat. chewing is just gross!
Righty or lefty - righty
Siblings - 2 sisters, 3 stepbrothers
Time you wake up - Varies every day. Lately, 7:30 is a common time.
University attended - Western Oregon University
Vegetables you dislike - Cooked green beans. Love them raw, hate them cooked.
What makes you run late - I hate being late. That being said, running around trying not to be late usually makes me late!
X-rays you’ve had - chest, knee, arm.... probably a lot more, but I can't seem to remember right now.
Yummy food - Almost all! I'm finding lately that I crave granola bars, salad, and steak.
Zoo animal favorite - elephants! My favorite animal is a ladybug, but they aren't a special zoo animal...
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