Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Thorn in My Side

So, in case you didn't know,
there is a giant monkey on my back.

This monkey is known as "The Thesis".

So, back when I was a sweet little 17 year old idiot,
I decided joining the honors program at my college was a great idea. 
It was supposed to be fun,
and look great on resumes.

It was all fun times and happy go lucky until junior year.
They warn you about the thesis,
mention it as a side note, but they encourage not worrying about it until your junior year.

then, BAM.

it's all thesis.
all the time.

So. Anywho.
This is a big deal.
Right now, I am still researching how to do my research.
I am stuck at my literature review,
slugging through books such as Discourse Analysis: A Toolkit, and Composition Research
I am trying to find some way to get myself motivated to even get this thing written sloppily,
words just thrown on the page, but I can't.

I'm stuck, but I've got a few ideas on how to unstick myself. 

So, if you only hear from me in sporadic spurts, you can understand why.
Thesis owns my life right now.

My goal is to finish the first draft before I start my new position. Wish me luck!

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