Thursday, February 14, 2013

Love and other schtuff

Ah, Valentine's Day.
Our love/hate relationship continues.

I'll admit, this is going to be a different holiday for me.
It's the first time I'll be actually in a serious relationship.
(I've only had one other Valentine's Day with a boyfriend, and it was high school - We had been dating 2 weeks)

So here's a little tidbit about me - I tend to spoil people. 
I love spending too much money on anyone except myself.
I love giving gifts.
(My bank account kinda hates it...)

Since this is J. and I's first Valentine's Day together, I kinda went a little overboard...

Originally, my plan was to follow the 4 gifts rule:
1. Something he wants
2. Something he needs
3. Something he wears
4. Something he reads.

Technically, I followed this rule..... I just didn't keep it to one thing in each category.
Instead it ended up like this:

1. 3 movies: Superbad, Men In Black 1, and Men In Black 2.
2. A brand new wall clock (his current one starts and stops randomly)
3. These gloves (he longboards, and has been drooling over these...)
4. Bloody Sundays and When Pride Still Mattered: Lombardi

So I stuck to the rules as far as what to get... just not number wise!

So why do I have a love/hate relationship with this day?

Well, I love it because it's another occasion to spoil the ones I love, 
but I hate it because it is another day that requires thoughtful gifts and money spending.

Don't get me wrong, I love spoiling J.
I just wish it wasn't because of the pressure of a cheesy holiday.
I also am NOT a big romance person
(I tease J for being cheesy romantic)
so a holiday where the key idea is to be as romantic as possible isn't really my cup of tea.

Who knows? Maybe J. can change my mind about this day. 
I'll update you lovely readers tomorrow!

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