Thursday, February 4, 2010

music to my ears

i love music.
i listen to pretty much anything that's playing,
and i can't pick a favorite band.
my favorite song will always be Zombie Zoo by tom petty
but i always find new songs to love.
lately, i've been in a very musical mood.
i've always got at least one song playing in my head,
and i feel the need to bust out in humming and dancing to the music on my mind
i will dance to any song i here, as long as it has a beat.
my friend Sara caught me dancing down the hallway to the music playing on the cartoon she was watching.
my facebook statuses have all been song lyrics (for the most part anyway)
i want to bust out singing 24/7,
but i am the world's worst singer.


a world without music will never be a world where i would live.

music = life.

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