Saturday, November 12, 2011

How to handle the big stuff.

You know the saying "when it rains, it pours"?

Well y'all, my life is currently in the middle of a Texan hurricane mixed with an Oregon thunderstorm.

To spare you all the gory details, and to maintain a tiny piece of my dignity, I'm just gonna leave it at a lot of family going through hard times mixed with the stress of a hard term.

Everyone has their own way of handling these times, usually involving bad choices. Me? Well, my drug of choice is food. And a lot of overthinking. Me and cookie dough and a lot of crying.

Currently, my thoughts have revolved around the losses. Loss of self respect, loss of self esteem, and more often than not, loss of friends.

Somehow, technology has created a false sense of friendship. Lemme tell ya, delete your Facebook and you really find out who your friends are. Turns out people don't care if your life isn't conviniently laid out mixed among the pathetic lives of others. My life has become significantly less social. People have walked out of my life like I never existed.

On one hand, what hurts most is that right now is when I need my friends more than ever. On the other hand, I'm glad I finally know who cares enough to check on me, through the ugly times as well as when everything is peachy keen. I like knowing who I can trust to be there for me. Makes my life clear and simple.

Although there's been a few surprising walkouts. The cause? Significant others. Yeah, I get the new relationship can't keep your hands off each other stage. However, what about friendships? If your life revolves around one person, don't you get fed up and sick of each other? How do you let relationships that you spent months, years building just slip down the drain?  How can you just stop caring?

How can you let me hurt and not care?
How can we go from talking every day to never speaking to each other?
What happened to us?

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