Thursday, November 17, 2011

Whoa buddy....

I just re read my pathetic number of posts these past few months.

I am utterly in shock at myself.

How did I let people get to me? How did I let myself lose sight of my dreams, my personality, me?

I guess someday I'll look back and see this as a good thing, maybe. Right now though? I am a little disappointed in myself. I let the little things control me and change me. I am not this mopey, depressed person that I let myself become. I am not the girl who lets people tell her who to be and how to act. I am not the girl who lets idiots run her life for her.

I need to take control of my own happiness. From now on I am going to try my hardest to appreciate small blessings, such as the heat in my apartment and the food in my fridge. I am going to stop trying to force things to go my way, but I'm not going to stop working towards my goal. I like my life. I hate the stress I've forced upon myself.

So, here's hoping that soon I can post a happy post rather than a sad, angry, or dejected dribble.

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