Friday, January 11, 2013

I seem to be getting worse at this.

I used to be awesome at remembering birthdays, even pre-Facebook.
I can still tell you every single one of my ex-boyfriends' birthdays.
However, lately, my brain has been completely gone on the date.

So, this is three days late, but...


I can't believe I have been at this for three years now.
My little space of the internet has grown from having absolutely no idea of what I am doing to...

well, still not sure what I am doing here,
but whatever it is helps keep me sane!

This little page of mine has been my venting place, the place I go to straighten out my thoughts.
90% of the time I delete the posts instead of publishing them, but writing them out helps.

This may not be the most picture heavy, or the most interesting blog, but it's mine, and that is enough for me.

1 comment:

  1. hey heidi-
    thanks so much for following me and visiting my blog. :) im so happy to have you and happy happy birthday to your blog!
    have a great week!


Thanks for commenting! I read and love every single comment and try to reply as soon as I can.