Friday, December 21, 2012

The Sky is Falling!

If you're reading this, 
You survived the end of the world, according to the Mayans!


I don't actually believe in the end of the world
but if I did, I'd reevaluate my life.
So far my list of accomplishments reads:
-Graduated 3rd in my class from high school
-Got in the honors program in college
-Semi-graduated college early

Yeah, that's about it.
IF the world ends today, I literally will have spent most of my life in school.
I was in preschool at age 2, and haven't stopped learning ever since.

If the world ends, here's a list of things I wish I HAD done:
1) Changed my mind earlier about my degree and graduated in 3 years instead of 3.25
2) Traveled more (I have 0 stamps in my passport!)
3) Cared less about family approval and spent more time caring about my own feelings
4) Met another blogger in real life (Some day I hope to finally meet Suz!)
5) Had more job experience, tried my hand at different fields
6) Read more books.
7) Learned more about my family's history

I'm sure the list would be longer, but my Internet access is ending soon. See you after the world ends!

1 comment:

  1. aww just saw this! my reader was a little backed up! that would be awesome! i've never met a blog friend in real life


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