Thursday, December 20, 2012

Back to Regular Posting

After three back to back posts about the shootings,
I think it may be time to lighten the mood around this space.

I am still grieving for the victims, don't get me wrong.
However, life must go on, and we cannot dwell on dark times.

So, on to lighter topics!
First off, everyone's favorite topic this time of year:
This year, since I am completely lacking in the money department,
most presents will by DIY projects.
I may share some of these after the holidays - some people who read this blog may be recieving these gifts, so I better not spoil the surprise!

Sadly, thsi year, I'm not really in the Christmas spirit. 
At first it was school and moving stress,
but now, I'm just feeling a little blah. I can't get a tree, due to lack of space, 
and I can't afford presents for pretty much anybody. 
Maybe it's just a one person pity party, but I'm just not in the holly jolly spirit.

However, thanks to the lack of funds, I have a lot more time to stay home and get caught up on reading.
Anybody have any good book suggestions for me?
My library card is brand new and needs to be broken in!

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