Sunday, September 9, 2012

Just a quick hello...

So sorry for falling off the face of the earth, guys.

Life has kinda blown up in my little world.

As I may have mentioned, this term is going to by my final term as an undergrad. 
That is both terrifying and amazing all rolled into one.
But it also means I have to start preparing for real adult life now.
I've been apartment hunting like crazy, trying to find a place close to work that isn't a kajillion dollars.
Who knew small university towns were so expensive??

My life has also blown up on the personal level.
My best friend since seventh grade recently got engaged,
and yours truly is one of the maids of honor.
Oh, and she also makes the seventh wedding to attend next summer.
My life is insane.

So between cramming in a few more full time weeks at work,
planning my best friend's wedding,
and some personal family stuff,
this little space has become neglected.

It may be awhile before I get back to this - my calendar literally has at least one appointment a day for the next three weeks.

I'll pop in and read other blogs,
and maybe I can convince one or two people to throw me a bone and guest post?
We'll have to play it by ear and see what happens!


  1. want to guest post on my blog this week? I am going to be in san diego and vegas this week so I know I won't be doing much writing!


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