Sunday, September 23, 2012

I got lost in this big old world

To say I'm not having a good week would really be an understatement.
Family problems, money problems, and work problems all slammed me this week.

I don't handle stress very well.
I've gotten better at it, actually recognizing when I'm stressed and trying to deal with it somehow without taking it out on those around me.
Sometimes I succeed,
but more often than not, I fail.
I lash out at my roommate, the easiest target. 
Her habits that bug me become magnified and I just get super grumpy whenever I'm home.

I am still trying to learn how to handle everything that has been thrown at me, 
so stick with me. 
I know I am almost the least consistent blogger ever,
but I will promise to try harder.

Oddly enough, I hate writing. I don't know what it is, but writing was never fun for me.
I guess somehow, blogging just doesn't feel like writing.
I live in a world of words, where books and letters and poetry communicate feeling beautifully.
Here, I try to channel my world onto a screen, 
trying to bring sense to myself by pushing buttons and making words appear.
Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't.
Right now,
I feel slightly better just apologizing you, my dear readers.
You stick with me through dry spells, and for that, I thank you.
I know this post is a little all over the place,
but then again,
so is my head.

In short, I am stressed to the nth degree, and classes don't even start until tomorrow.
I've got some ideas for this space,
so don't give up on me yet!

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