Sunday, January 23, 2011


Oh today is a very exciting day! Well, exciting and a slight bit depressing on my end.

First off, I noticed I finally have a reader I haven't met in real life! Suz, author of both Suz's Bookshelf Blog and 30 Before 30 List (two of my absolute favorite blogs) just subscribed. Hi Suz! Thanks for checking it out! I'm excited to have a real blogger reading this (any tips?) along with family and friends.

Now for the slightly depressing, yet still exciting, part of today.

My sister Kailee is off to Africa!! Yes, that's right. A small town girl left Oregon today to spend 18+ weeks in Capetown, South Africa for a study abroad program. Am I jealous? Most definitely. Am I already missing her like crazy? Well, if crying over her "I'm leaving the country now, love you" text is any indicator, then yes, yes I am. I still can't believe that my big sister is doing something so incredibly cool. Our family doesn't do cool things like this usually, so this is big. Of course, Kailee is the outgoing sister. Not only is she the first to doing something big like this, she was also the first sister to leave the country. She went to Mexico on her senior trip cruise about 2 years before I got to do the same cruise and Brittni went to Australia. Yep, Kailee's always been the go-getter and the one who wanted to travel. I want to travel, but I don't like being away from home for long periods of time. Kai used to spend two or three months being a nanny for our aunt in Texas during high school. I wish I could just pretend that that's where she is right now, but it doesn't cost $2 a minute to call her in Texas. Sadly, with no internet in my house at the moment, and internet being expensive for her, our only real form of communication for the next 6 months is emails from one smartphone to the other (luckily, those are still free with our data plans!).

So if this blog gets a wee bit mopey at times, go ahead and hop  on over to hers to read about her African adventures here. I'm off to distract myself from missing her by delving into homework.

(p.s. Kailee, if you read this, HAVE FUN and remember, no diseases.)

1 comment:

  1. Aww thanks for the shout out! I was reading it in disbelief thinking "me? a real blogger? i don't feel like a real blogger!" haha

    Only tip I have is write about things you find interesting or you would tell your friends.You never know what people will identify with. We are all really similar despite our differences. Have fun with it! Looking forward to reading along :)


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