Sunday, August 15, 2010


Today is a fun purging day.
(also, I love the word purge)

Starting with Facebook. Purged of "friends". Anyone who has neither a) been the first to start a conversation with me or b) been someone I actually know and have talked to on more than one occasion. So what if we went to school together way back when? That doesn't mean I really care about your dramatic statuses or inappropriate pictures. And besides, will you even NOTICE if I'm no longer your facebook friend? Doubtful.

So goodbye "friends". I'm tired of always having to be the one who looks desperate by ALWAYS starting the conversation.

Next up, the pictures. Do I really need over 300 pictures reminding me of high school and showing all my awkward stages (there was a lot)? Nope, don't think so. Senior trip and graduation pictures can stay up I guess, but anything older - bye bye. The pictures are on my computer if I ever wanna see them.

That's pretty much all I can purge from work, but when I get home my bedroom is up next.

Getting rid of anything that doesn't fit or I haven't worn in a long time - maybe I can cut down on Tshirts finally. Goodbye random garbage (old reciepts, random scraps of paper from I don't know where) and any other random junk that has no room in my life.

Purging feels good :)

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