Wednesday, August 15, 2012


Five more weeks.
That's how long I have left.
Five weeks of summer break (if you can call it that)
Five weeks left as an almost full-time employee.
(Just switching back to my regular hours, not losing my job hopefully...)

The weird part?
I cannot WAIT for these next five weeks to fly past.

Yeah, I am excited to get back to classes, 
but mostly I am sick of full-time at my work.

Normally, I love my job.
I work evenings and weekends, 
so it's usually just me and one other person in my department.

Full time is not fun.
Some of my coworkers don't get along.
I get caught in the middle.
I am also currently training on scheduling,
and let's just say some coworkers are much better at teaching than others.

I cannot wait to get back to my domain, the world of books and writing.
I am both anxiously awaiting and dreading this coming term,
as it will be my last as an undergrad. 
Scary and exciting,
all at once.


However, in the meantime,
this weekend I will be attending this awesome music festival
and getting to see awesome country acts.
Back in a week!


  1. I can't wait for school to start up again either! Less than 2 weeks for me. But I still have 2 years of my undergrad.
    Newest follower :) Drop by and say hello!
    Of Thoughts and Things

    1. Lucky!! I hate that the west coast starts SO MUCH later than everyone else!

  2. I feel you about the working thing. My job is almost full-time and it's just exhausting. so much drama goes on and it can easily wear you down. but it's great you have something to look forward to in your five weeks! :)

    xo, samantha

    1. Oh man, it's so weird what a difference seventeen hours makes! It's so draining, physically and emotionally.

      Thanks for stopping by!


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