Monday, May 7, 2012

It's a Wonderful Spring

Now that Oregon has FINALLY decided to catch up with the seasons, we get to enjoy some gorgeous sunshine and man is it making studying for midterms hard!

This week I've got two ten page papers due and a midterm that is gonna break my brain tomorrow afternoon. Luckily, Natalie at a moment of wonderful hosted A Spring into Something Wonderful gift swap, and my gift arrived this afternoon!

My present came from Gretchen in Georgia. I always wonder what people think of when they think of Oregon, and she confirmed my guess: RAIN! She compiled a rainy day survival kit for me, and I absolutely LOVE it!

Sorry, my camera phone is an old flip phone, so the quality isn't too great.

The note that came in the package said:
 "An umbrella w/ cheery colors (to maybe distract you from the gloomy rain) and then some tea and a candle. So the umbrella can get you safely home where you can unwind + have a relaxing moment with some tea."
(I figured a quote from Georgia required the Georgia font)

The umbrella is a button-open rainbow (so nice!), the tea is Tazo Zen Green Tea with lemongrass and spearmint (That plus Staci's giveaway tea is gonna be a good way to ease myself into tea drinking) and a Chesapeake Bay Mandarin Berry candle (I can't find it on Chesapeake Bay Candle's website, but oh my yummy smell!)

Thank you, Gretchen, for the rainy day cure! I love this gift swap, and I can't wait to do the next one!

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